Wednesday 9 February 2022

American Robin at Eastbourne ( Lifer ) + Hooded Crow.

A call from Brian on Tuesday late afternoon, to tell me he is going to Eastbourne for a bird that he has wanted to see for such a long time. Before he could ask if we were up for the trip I had said Jimmy and I would be. It's an American Robin, so Up early to leave at 5.15 and we arrive at Hill Rd and park away from the cul-de-sac in respect for the people living there. A short walk up the hill where we meet up with around 40  birders, we are told the Robin had been seen in a bush behind a block of garages. It was only around  7.45 and we didn't have to wait long before the Robin walked out of the bush and headed down the slope, before flying up behind the garages and staying out of view for a short time. Then it flew up onto a small bare tree to give really great views of another lifer for all of us. A cracking looking bird that flys away over the houses but only to open grassland with a few bushes and some small trees. Over the next couple of hours, we get plenty of views of the bird.   A really nice twitch with us meeting up with a lot of familiar faces and meeting some new ones. I must say the residents of the road were really nice to us and it was great of them to accept such a large group into their road, let's hope if the bird hangs around that continues to be the case. 
After a tip from Geoff K, we head off to find a Macdonald's which is about 4 miles away to look for a Hooded Crow that had been around there for some time. The Crow was spotted as soon as we arrived in the car park, so a nice year tick.   One more place to visit while here when we are told some Bean Geese are 20 miles away but as it is heading towards home we have to go for it. It means we only have to go 10 miles out of our way so not too bad. It turns out we go to the wrong church but we do get distant views of the Bean Geese for another year tick.   

American Robin ( Lifer )

The Hooded Crow

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