First up we pay a visit to Startops Reservoir & are greeted with a gale force wind when we make our way up the steps to look over the water.
The Scaup is found without to much trouble & that was the main reason that we had visited here to give us a year tick. we are glad to get round to the hide for a little bit of shelter from the wind but after a scan of the both Reservoirs there is no sign of the Red-crested Pochard & the Bittern that had been seen here on & off over the past few days, but before heading off a couple of Kingfishers fly past along the bank to get me a tick.
A visit to Wilstone res & College Lakes that are very near by get us nothing in the way of year ticks, my first visit to College Lakes & I really liked the place.
We have a decision to make, do we head to Stockers Lake or head towards home & get a guarantee
year tick at Lemsford Spring with Green Sandpiper, Lemsford wins & as we head along the A 41 a single Red Kite glides over the the road to give us a nice tick.
With the key picked up from the wardens porch we are in the hide where we pick out 3 Green Sandpipers & a couple of Little Egrets & a bonus tick as a Grey Wagtail lands on the wall in front of us.
Now onto Amwell where we meet up with Marco always nice to see him, but no sign of the Yellow leg Gull that we had hoped to find so just a very quick visit here & as we head off towards home we have to pay a quick visit to the Bittern hide at Fishers Green.
The Water Rail shows but we will have to wait till another day if we want to see the Bittern.
A windy day with rain in the air all day but we enjoyed our self & with 5 more ticks well worth getting out there
Green Sandpiper |
Grey Wagtail |
Little Egret |